Objetos prestados, encontrados y robados (Borrowed, Found and Stolen Objects)
Meeting with Mariana Bellotto
Central de creación - Espacio LEM
Buenos Aires, Argentina

"Things have weight, mass, volume, size, time, shape, color, position, texture, duration, density, smell, value, consistency, depth, contour, temperature, function, appearance, price, destination, age, sense. Things have no peace" (Arnaldo Antunes).

We set out to occupy the studio only with borrowed, found and stolen objects with the purpose of generating a dialogue with Espacio LEM and its context (the Palermo neighborhood with its improvements and real estate speculations). To reformulate the readings of the space and the objects as a whole, the slogan was to take the place and install in it all that we obtained.

Production: Programa de Residencias Artísticas, Residencia México-Argentina, Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA)/Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación Argentina.